Saturday saw us going to the Melbourne Museum. There was a whole new exhibit on the history of Melbourne which we read pretty thoroughly and i now know alot more about the city I am living in.. basically this town would not have been if it was not for the gold rush in the 1850s.
All the other exhibits we had to quickly go though cuz we wanted to see everything. I will have to return to read and learn more... to keep my brain going since I will not be studying. The other exhibits were on the brain, the human body, drugs, a famous race horse, modern inventions, animals, insects, marine life, the aboriginal people who used to own the land.. and the kids zone, which we did not have time to visit.. but i'm sure I will get the chance too.
We wanted to head to the Queen st markets but we spent so much time at the museum that we just decided to grab a sushi roll and home for a BBQ.
Sunday we planed to go to Dandenong national park.. but we stepped outside and it was so gorgeous that we just felt like going to the beach. So we found our way to St.Kilda beach where we looked at the Esplanade artisan market, walked by Luna park and then along the board walk infront of the beach which was full of people since school holidays started
Later we ventured to Footscray. Leslie had that morning gone onto a Melbourne group of couchsurfing and discovered that some ppl were meeting up for an all you can eat Ethiopian dinner. We had no idea if these ppl all knew each or not but we decided to go for it. We met with 4 other random people from Melbourne, England, Germany and Switzerland, waited forever for the buffet to start, ate till we burst, and all the other well traveled people told us of their crazy adventures.
Tuesday John and Joanne arrived in the morning, so now we have a houseful of people. In the afternoon Leslie and I ventured to Chadstone, a massive mall a 30 minute walk from our place, it was so big and so confusing as a mall and so fashionable. We had seen a desk on the side of the road on the walk over and on the way back it was still there... luckily it had wheels so i pushed it for a good 10 minutes along the side walk, lost a wheel.. then another, but with leslies help managed to get it back.. and now i have a desk woo!! its kinda grafitied but we shall figured out some crazy art work to cover it all, the kids thought it was a great new toy haha. At night we celebrated Jeffs birthday with some more awesome chocolate cake. what a great discovery this cake is.
Today was full of fun. I went to the aquarium with Mel, the kids, John and Joanne. We though there was an aquarium pass for me so when we got there we got them to look Julia up in the system but they couldn't find it.. so they thought maybe it was spelt wrong or something of that sort. anyway they kept my "i.d" for the full of the visit to try and find something that corresponded... and i picked it up on my way out willing to pay since i guess there is no membership... but the man was like it's ok for today wooo.. 27$ saved by making a big deal out of nothing haha. anyway aquarium was fun, the most exciting parts being the jelly fish, the sharks and the massive rays!!
Later i ventured on my own to federation park to see all the festivities for the AFL week.. the finals are this weekend. I saw some crazy acrobat routine and got some free stuff from all the booths and had just missed the Australian Idol show.. but got to see the judges wooo :P.
Lastly i headed to the immigration museum which was very interesting... but i got tired of reading and my feet hurt so i will have to make another return some other time.
thats all for now folks.
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