-these outings include going to the mall, going to fun indoor playgrounds, going to indoor pools.
a few other highlights
-friday we went out with Mel and some of the other ladies from her ultimate frisbee team. We went to the opening of the first korean bar in melbourne wooo. we then desperately tried to find a place to go dancing (it's hard when you don't know the nighttime city). anyway we found a great place with a live band playing and also recent music. i shall be returning (well since it's the only place i know and i loved the music). one of the ladies got kicked out and so we went on an unsuccessful adventure looking for a new place to dance.
-last saturday was the christmas fair on koornang street (5 minute walk from our house). it hailed 3 times that day but we went out anyway, there were a few free kid rides, there was a clog dance (which got poured on) and i discovered there's a dutch community center near my house. perhaps i shall see what that is all about.
-went to the beach at beaconsfield parade and victoria av. with the kids.
-we went to the santa clause parade, that as everyone has pointed was not to christmassie except santa was at the end and a few floats. It was mostly dances, gymnastics, sports celebraties, kid show characters. I quite enjoyed watching the parade in my shorts though (:
my day off bike ride.
-the pale cyane box is our house
-the red line is the route i took.
-stopped at the library on the way (the little blue box) and headed through Bentleigh and Brighton which were full of massive mansions. It was a gorgeous day, which i did not realize and I had neglected to wear my bathing suit. oh well i'm sure there will be many more chances.
-there is a bike path that goes along the whole shore line from brighton to st-kilda. I took Glen huntley to get home.
-i crossed the nepean highway, and also moodie st. o home!